Chrononutrition & Circadian Rhythm: How Nutrient-Dense Foods Help Balance Blood Sugar and Promote Weight Loss 

In this Article: Ever wondered why you feel peckish at certain times of the day? That’s your circadian rhythm and chrononutrition at play. This article will explain these two intriguing concepts in an easy-to-understand way. We’ll delve into the importance of nutrient-dense foods and their powerful role in this fascinating biological dance. These superfoods can…

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Types of Early, Late and Intermittent Fasting and Potential Benefits for Weight Loss, Metabolic and Cardiovascular Health

The literature has many studies on different models of time based eating, and the potential health benefits. The exact benefits can vary based on a variety of factors, including an individual’s overall health, lifestyle, and adherence to the fasting protocol. Here’s a summary of the potential benefits observed in the studies, along with the associated…

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Prior Advice before Intermittent Fasting in higher risk populations: Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, young or elderley adults

Food restriction by either amount or time is not for everyone in particular there are people who should and should not consider food restriction of any type. This article is a summary from intermittent fasting studies and several key pieces of advice emerge about intermittent fasting: The above advice is based on the studies provided,…

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Time Based Eating combined with Specific Diet Types for Weight Loss, Metabolic Health, and Diabetes Management.

There are many studies on different types of diets and also many types of time restricted eating including intermittent fasting. In this article, here’s a summary of those that included a specific diet type alongside the fasting period: Please note that the specific results, benefits, or drawbacks of combining these diet types with intermittent fasting…

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Chrononutrition: Meal Suggestions by Circadian Rhythms as taught by Dr Alan Delabos

Dr. Alain Delabos’ Chrononutrition is a method that respects the body’s biological clock and suggests that different nutrients are metabolized differently by the body depending on the time of the day. Here is a generalized example of his recommended daily eating schedule: This diet plan is a general approach based on Chrononutrition principles and might…

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Chrononutrition: Time-based Eating, Intermittent Fasting and the Body’s Internal Clock

In this article: You’re about to dive into a world where time isn’t just money—it’s health. Chrononutrition and intermittent fasting are the hot tickets to syncing your meal times with your body’s natural rhythm. But why bother? Well, our body isn’t just a vessel—it’s a finely tuned clockwork machine. Each tick and tock influences our…

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Uncover Your Chronotype: Enhance Sleep & Boost Health through Chrononutrition

In this article: Ever wondered why you’re more alert at dawn while others thrive at dusk? That’s your chronotype at work, governing your body’s natural rhythm. Understanding this innate clock not only helps optimize your sleep but also opens doors to a novel approach in nutrition – Chrononutrition. In this article, we’ll demystify chronotypes, delve…

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